Friday, 13 April 2012

Tip Friday #1 Different ways to use nail polish

Today is going to be the start of a new series on my blog. I may possibly take them onto my youtube depending on how it goes. So every friday I will be posting a blog post with a tip in; it may be beauty, hair, skincare, health, fitness, fashion or home decor related! As you can probably grasp these are only gonna be short and sweet blog posts, so let's get on to the first Tip Friday!

Now if your like me and try and get more for your money from the products you'll find this post interesting as it includes all the different ways you can use nail polish besides painting your nails!

One of my favourites ways to use it unconventionally is to change up your shoes. Your probably thinking what?! But if your like me and lust after Christian Louboutin's but can't afford to part with that much cash for them, buy a opaque creme red nail polish and use that. For this you will need masking tape and put it around where the sole meets the shoe (to prevent any shakey hand mistakes). Paint one cost and let it dry then paint a second for a more opaque finish and the best part is because it's nail varnish and not paint you can take it off with nail varnish remover! Note: This works best if you don't paint the bit you walk on, then it's less likely to chip!

This next option I use quite regularly when I wear my little ballet flats. Now I can often scruff the toe section of my shoes, so what I've started doing is having a colour of polish the same shade as my shoes so that I can just paint over the scuffs, this is especially useful when they are brightly coloured as you often don't get bright shoe polishes. Plus it's probably cheaper!

Now if you buy fashion jewellery, basically anything that is like a painted metal, you'll notice after a few wears the colour'll start to change because the metal is oxidising with the air so to prevent this you can take any topcoat (I just picked up a really cheap one that I use especially for this) and before you start wearing it, paint metal bit and the clear top coat will lock out the air. This will keep it looking like you've just bought it and not had it for donkeys years! This works especially well on large fashion rings and it's what all the girls in my work do when they buy their rings.

Another use for a clear top coat was something my grandmother always told me. It was to ALWAYS keep a bottle of clear top coat in your purse, just because you can use it for so many things. One of the reasons I personally like is using it if you've got a ladder in your tights, granted this won't work if the ladder is the size of your blackberry (the phone not the fruit) but if you've just got a little pull, put a little bit of the clear topcoat over the pull and around the outside edges especially and the edges will harden and prevent the pull getting bigger!

Hope you like the first edition of Tip Friday, I apologize for the latest I will more than likely be posting very late thursday evenings verging on friday mornings, so it's here for you guys to read!

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